Tuesday, November 3, 2009
check out my new blog!
I have a new blog www.hollywoodharlotwithtravis.blogspot.com ! That is where I will talk about all my entertainment stuff! Yeah! This will be about my personal life! Enjoy!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
san francisco and whats new!
whats new with me is work and travel and TV! for halloween i have been hoping to be paris hilton and got my costume ready and went to a hollywood party in it. people thought i was a go go dancer and no one was really dressed up. they just dressed in sunday dress for the most part not all hollywood like. i took the party attire differently i guess. so the costume bombed so i had to another one. LADY GAGA! right?! toom me over a week to make it and spent way too much on it. went to my work party in it and won best costume. i had to make it great since all the other years i had dressed up were so lame. i outdid myself. have a john waters party to go this weekend so have to get another costume ready but lady gaga will be worn more next week!
my trip to San Francisco was amazing! me and guid went. i drove the way to reno. when we stopped in wendover i got pulled over for speeding. 8 over. got a ticket. and we moved on to reno to stay at circus circus. side note, i sent in my payment for the ticket and forgot to put in the check. oops! i still need to fix that! dorve up so much mountain up to tahoe. didnt see the lake from the road, sad. but most of tahoe drive was road construction. awful, went down to one lane, scary. my car survived yet another road trip. cant wait for the next one!
thursday night we went to see kylie minogue in concert in oakland, right over the bay. so frakking amazing! best concert live. we had general admission so we had to stand and we thought we wouldnt get that close but we did! yeah! got a t-shirt and a program! amazing! friday we went to japan center and shopped. i got my crepe again. amazing. guido really didnt buy anything. i got a gay vampire japan anime magma called 'pathos' so great! could have been more graphic if you know what i mean! wne to golden gate park and parked underground. walked to the surface was awesome to park under a park. but we really didnt do much there but see homeless people sleeping.
drove around town so much with loads to traffic to get to over the bridge. one road i couldnt believe. off of lombard is divisatero. going going and up this major hill and my car couldn't make it. tear. my baby couldn't make it. side note, when i got home one of my frogs died, hepatitis, sad. cancer is still living and clap clap the snail is okay. so everytime we got near div. street we drove out of out way so my car could make it up the road. we went to boudin sourdough company for a bread bowl and salad for lunch. not bad, had the sourdough before and didnt like it but with soup was tatsy!
alcatraz was amazing. i love boats rides. the breeze. the water. island had more on it than i thought. the jail was awesome. the grounds went on forever. we could have been there much longer but we wanted to do more stuff. we got our headphones for out tourguide and guido was just whatevering until i asked if he liked it. he thought i was creepy. i was like what are you talking about. they are giving us a bunch of facts. he was like no, so i listened to his and all you could hear was jail noises and people screaming, the background nosie of the tour! he thought that was all we were suppose to listen to to give a mood music. stupid guido! muah! he got him new ears and went on our merry way!
haight street was a road for drag queens. not much else. found some cute shops but for the most part it was for trannies! we ate at squat and gobble, which is crepes! not bad. guido loved his apple pie crepe! went to castro for me! love being gay around a gay place! love the stores and the people! we ate at this sausage italian restaurant and got chicken florentine! so good1 never had it before would get it again! we went dancing and took the bus home! it was a good day. got lots of adult gifts for myself! we saw a nail salon on castro street called 'hand job' as good as a hair salon 'curl up and dye'! we then started to notice something. cops were everywhere pulling people over. in the 4 days we drove we saw a total of 18 cops pulling people over. we were astonished to see so much.
lombard street walking up to it for the waving road was a killer. guido even was sweating. ugh. but the walk down was cool! later on we drove it and was very narrow around the curves! nice neighborhood! we kept going to mel's diner for classic american food! guido found this pastry shop and bought some dessert at. i had a couple bites didnt care much for it. guido loved it. guess i like white trashy dessert! he loves gourmet! we went to taco bell and saw this crazy guy falling asleep on himself. he had all this numbers on envelopes everywhere and a check book and bills, bills, bills. while he was sleeping i took a looka dn his bills were very small and most almost paid off and current. which was weird cause he looked so drunk and homelessy! while in san fran we witnessed love fest. think pride for everyone stoned and free spirited! it was funny seeing everyone dressed in like it was the 70's! i then found out we just missed folsom street fair. sad. i totally want to go! overall our trip was a blast! but i find that we dont see a lot everytime we go. next time we need to visit a shit load of stuff! 4.25 out of 5 stars for trip! kylie was a 5 out of 5 stars!
my trip to San Francisco was amazing! me and guid went. i drove the way to reno. when we stopped in wendover i got pulled over for speeding. 8 over. got a ticket. and we moved on to reno to stay at circus circus. side note, i sent in my payment for the ticket and forgot to put in the check. oops! i still need to fix that! dorve up so much mountain up to tahoe. didnt see the lake from the road, sad. but most of tahoe drive was road construction. awful, went down to one lane, scary. my car survived yet another road trip. cant wait for the next one!
thursday night we went to see kylie minogue in concert in oakland, right over the bay. so frakking amazing! best concert live. we had general admission so we had to stand and we thought we wouldnt get that close but we did! yeah! got a t-shirt and a program! amazing! friday we went to japan center and shopped. i got my crepe again. amazing. guido really didnt buy anything. i got a gay vampire japan anime magma called 'pathos' so great! could have been more graphic if you know what i mean! wne to golden gate park and parked underground. walked to the surface was awesome to park under a park. but we really didnt do much there but see homeless people sleeping.
drove around town so much with loads to traffic to get to over the bridge. one road i couldnt believe. off of lombard is divisatero. going going and up this major hill and my car couldn't make it. tear. my baby couldn't make it. side note, when i got home one of my frogs died, hepatitis, sad. cancer is still living and clap clap the snail is okay. so everytime we got near div. street we drove out of out way so my car could make it up the road. we went to boudin sourdough company for a bread bowl and salad for lunch. not bad, had the sourdough before and didnt like it but with soup was tatsy!
alcatraz was amazing. i love boats rides. the breeze. the water. island had more on it than i thought. the jail was awesome. the grounds went on forever. we could have been there much longer but we wanted to do more stuff. we got our headphones for out tourguide and guido was just whatevering until i asked if he liked it. he thought i was creepy. i was like what are you talking about. they are giving us a bunch of facts. he was like no, so i listened to his and all you could hear was jail noises and people screaming, the background nosie of the tour! he thought that was all we were suppose to listen to to give a mood music. stupid guido! muah! he got him new ears and went on our merry way!
haight street was a road for drag queens. not much else. found some cute shops but for the most part it was for trannies! we ate at squat and gobble, which is crepes! not bad. guido loved his apple pie crepe! went to castro for me! love being gay around a gay place! love the stores and the people! we ate at this sausage italian restaurant and got chicken florentine! so good1 never had it before would get it again! we went dancing and took the bus home! it was a good day. got lots of adult gifts for myself! we saw a nail salon on castro street called 'hand job' as good as a hair salon 'curl up and dye'! we then started to notice something. cops were everywhere pulling people over. in the 4 days we drove we saw a total of 18 cops pulling people over. we were astonished to see so much.
lombard street walking up to it for the waving road was a killer. guido even was sweating. ugh. but the walk down was cool! later on we drove it and was very narrow around the curves! nice neighborhood! we kept going to mel's diner for classic american food! guido found this pastry shop and bought some dessert at. i had a couple bites didnt care much for it. guido loved it. guess i like white trashy dessert! he loves gourmet! we went to taco bell and saw this crazy guy falling asleep on himself. he had all this numbers on envelopes everywhere and a check book and bills, bills, bills. while he was sleeping i took a looka dn his bills were very small and most almost paid off and current. which was weird cause he looked so drunk and homelessy! while in san fran we witnessed love fest. think pride for everyone stoned and free spirited! it was funny seeing everyone dressed in like it was the 70's! i then found out we just missed folsom street fair. sad. i totally want to go! overall our trip was a blast! but i find that we dont see a lot everytime we go. next time we need to visit a shit load of stuff! 4.25 out of 5 stars for trip! kylie was a 5 out of 5 stars!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
.. and i even forgot something!
'sex and the city: the movie' watched it again for the 2nd time! loved it! after watching the series and then the movie right away made me appreciate it more! when big leaves carrie at the altar and he tries to grab her from the limo and she starts hitting him with her bouqet. i cry and charlotte screams 'no' i break down. how someone so quiet and reserved steps up to the plate. it was an incredible moment. i like how much time goes by for her in order to forgive john. miranda and steve! he cheats she leaves him. i dont think it was all his fault. guido would say other wise. he knew something in the relationship wasnt right and he tried to talk to her about it anh she thought it was stupid. he blamed him. he didnt know what else to do and he slipped cause he wasnt getting what he needed in the relationship. stupid he was for it. but not all to blame. didnt really care for charlotte getting pregnant because i feel like she might love her new birth baby more than her adopted baby. people would say naw to that. but love of birth to an adopted is different. you couldn't so you got! for char she couldn't and got then she could. samantha breaking up with smith i loved. cause whe wasnt her self anymore. i believe her kind of character would be more happy in a open relationship! 4 out of 5 stars!
been so long.....
sorry its been so long. busy with work and TV! but lots to talk about! whats new with me first is not much. been hanging with friends that i havent seen in forever, whether its them stop calling me or vice versa but now they got in contact and yeah! so been fun catching up with chantelle bender, jessica horton and jessica love! othere things now!
'VH1 DIvas Live' paula abdul hosted. bad idea. she is so all over the place it wasnt funny at all until kathy griffin showed up and was amazing for those few moments then she left. the perfomances were great from adelle, kelly clarkson (whose song never again love! sad that is sounds like beyonce's halo, but still great!), jordin sparks, jennifer hudson, leona lewis, then why miley cyrus? yes she might have sold huge records and have clothing, perfume and school notebooks with her name on it. she is a diva, in a bad way. not in a VH1 diva way like the other girls. her live on the show was terrible. all the other girls i loved, not miley. i love miley in a different way, not a VH1 diva way. i thought it was funny that kelly performed with melissa ethridge, how very lesbian of her! haha! the girls main songs were great but duets were boring to me and i started to fast forward through paula abdul, who clearly didnt even sing live for it.
'emmy awards' love neil patrick harris and his hosting was, wait for it, legendary!! love kristin chenoweth winning for pushing daisies! she is one of my idols! mad men winning best drama! 30 rock best comedy! when they had the whole 'how i met your mother' cast presentate! and my top two moments: when Bill of 'true blood' and Angel of 'angel' presented together! made my heart fluter! top moments was haveing the 'dr. horrible' cast reunite with glimpse of what the movie was about!
'wolverine' was okay. the special effects were bad. hugh jackman somewhat naked was nice. girlfriend dying was, duh, obvious! the stort didnt make too much sense with the other x-men movies. i think they took what they had and played with it too much.patrick stewart at the end was hilarious to look at. all glossed over to make him look young! haha! action was good, othere mutants were great! 3.0 out of 5 stars
'observe and report' me and guido didnt like this movie. it was awful and stupid. the best parts were with anna faris in it! when she got drunk, so great! bad characters made me want to hurt them they were just dumb. dont see this movie. 1 out of 5 stars, the 1 is for anna!
'battle for terra' is a cg movie about a planet of aliens being taken over by humans. the humans will go at no cost to take the planet for there own. the aliens are quiet and non warriors. secrets come out, people over rule others and take over, so very typical stuff but still not bad for a children's movie! the cg is good! the world is made up and great to keep my attention! even the aliens are cute! 3 out of 5 stars
'more to love' basically think of it as the bachelor for fat people! haha! it was mostly good but all they talked about was being fat and how much it ruined their lives. oh my god! there is a million other things to talk about. movies, sports, theatre, politics and etc. but all we saw was 'i'm so fat' 'no one ever loved me cause i was overweight' 'i cant get a boyfriend cause my thighs rub together' 'i hide my fat roles with larger clothing' on and on and on and on it went. i wanted them to shut up. the final two girls were melissa and tali. melissa was not always a fatty, so to me it was like if she got skinny again, would she stay with him since he is the only fat guy she has dated. while tali, my girl, has always been 'big boned' and dates larger men so she wouldnt up and leave for that. plus her drama was about her families culture verses his. melissa drama was 'i am fat now and hate it' and her family was white trash! haha! in the end he picked tali! yeah! if they do another season i want to hear more than 'i'm fat cause growing up people were mean to me' guido thought the bachelor was good looking, me was eh eh!
'design star' was a rollercoaster season. loved the southern blonde hair girl! her rooms were great but i hated that she got voted off cause going over budget. sad. the final two were dan, the giggler, and antonio, the macho tattoo guy! i hearted dan, he was attractive and always smiling! great rooms that were soft and enjoyable. antonio had a evry different point of view. loud and ghetto at times. didnt always do what people wanted and thats why he won. i think alos he has a different point of view unlike most designers on hgtv, so i think that he could have a good career with being different. i liked dan more, he is my style!
'queer as folk' season one went by so fast. sex sex sex and gay stuff went on and i loved it! it kept me entertained. guido hates it cause he is more conservative than me. i like it mostly all out in the open! which is fine and thats why i love him! muah! but i like queer as folk. not one of my top whatever number shows. but still good! love emmett and michael! seen hal sparks at a comedy club in new york and so funny! loved him also on talk soup as well as aisha tyler! one bad thing about the show, it only showcases one sets of gays doing on set of things. i wish they could expand, like conservative gays. gays who dont club and do drugs. everyday gays. not gays having sex all the time! season one i give 3 out of 5 stars for keeping me entertained!
'dr. horrible's sing-a-long-blog' which i have seen and seen over and over again! own the music but wanted to talked about it! some people dont like it cause it was too short. whatever to me! was it good? yes! some say they couldnt believe the ending, but duh!? havent you seen joss whedons work before cause then it makes sense! i loved every moment of it! i think its great that he has his brothers working with him on this and 'dollhouse'! thought it is funny how much you can tell when joss didnt write some of the songs. his are always funny and great. his brothers werent as good to me. they mostly wrote the penny songs, to were a little boring. i love joss and dr. horrible! 4.75 out of 5 stars why not 5 cause i wish promotion and distrubution could be better! hear there is sequel in the works! lets hope!
'fame' the 2009 version. was good. not funny at all. had some very serious moments which i did love just to show how severe rejection is in the industry. most music was good. but some were kinda ghetto sounding to me. love the feel of the movie. felt like it went too fast. every 20 minutes a new year happened. i wish i was a tv show or one year of their lives. so then if it did good then a second movie for their sophmore year and so on. why did i not like it cause i felt like i have seen this kind of movie before. yes, it is based on a 1980's movie. so others things were created to look like the old one and so on until this one redone still wasnt amazing to me! i loved that they used actual talent in the movie! cause most movies they get famous people and film it like they do have talent of which they really dont. 3 out of 5 stars
'management' which is a movie i never heard of until i watched it! guido hated it, was boring to him and stupid. i loved it! both zach and jenn had weird characters to start and then they hook up and he travels to see her just because he likes her. out of blue stuff happens! love it! so weird it reminded me of 'garden state' and 'lars and the real girl'. love that is different and not conventional. i loved it and would watch it again and again! 4 out of 5 stars
'VH1 DIvas Live' paula abdul hosted. bad idea. she is so all over the place it wasnt funny at all until kathy griffin showed up and was amazing for those few moments then she left. the perfomances were great from adelle, kelly clarkson (whose song never again love! sad that is sounds like beyonce's halo, but still great!), jordin sparks, jennifer hudson, leona lewis, then why miley cyrus? yes she might have sold huge records and have clothing, perfume and school notebooks with her name on it. she is a diva, in a bad way. not in a VH1 diva way like the other girls. her live on the show was terrible. all the other girls i loved, not miley. i love miley in a different way, not a VH1 diva way. i thought it was funny that kelly performed with melissa ethridge, how very lesbian of her! haha! the girls main songs were great but duets were boring to me and i started to fast forward through paula abdul, who clearly didnt even sing live for it.
'emmy awards' love neil patrick harris and his hosting was, wait for it, legendary!! love kristin chenoweth winning for pushing daisies! she is one of my idols! mad men winning best drama! 30 rock best comedy! when they had the whole 'how i met your mother' cast presentate! and my top two moments: when Bill of 'true blood' and Angel of 'angel' presented together! made my heart fluter! top moments was haveing the 'dr. horrible' cast reunite with glimpse of what the movie was about!
'wolverine' was okay. the special effects were bad. hugh jackman somewhat naked was nice. girlfriend dying was, duh, obvious! the stort didnt make too much sense with the other x-men movies. i think they took what they had and played with it too much.patrick stewart at the end was hilarious to look at. all glossed over to make him look young! haha! action was good, othere mutants were great! 3.0 out of 5 stars
'observe and report' me and guido didnt like this movie. it was awful and stupid. the best parts were with anna faris in it! when she got drunk, so great! bad characters made me want to hurt them they were just dumb. dont see this movie. 1 out of 5 stars, the 1 is for anna!
'battle for terra' is a cg movie about a planet of aliens being taken over by humans. the humans will go at no cost to take the planet for there own. the aliens are quiet and non warriors. secrets come out, people over rule others and take over, so very typical stuff but still not bad for a children's movie! the cg is good! the world is made up and great to keep my attention! even the aliens are cute! 3 out of 5 stars
'more to love' basically think of it as the bachelor for fat people! haha! it was mostly good but all they talked about was being fat and how much it ruined their lives. oh my god! there is a million other things to talk about. movies, sports, theatre, politics and etc. but all we saw was 'i'm so fat' 'no one ever loved me cause i was overweight' 'i cant get a boyfriend cause my thighs rub together' 'i hide my fat roles with larger clothing' on and on and on and on it went. i wanted them to shut up. the final two girls were melissa and tali. melissa was not always a fatty, so to me it was like if she got skinny again, would she stay with him since he is the only fat guy she has dated. while tali, my girl, has always been 'big boned' and dates larger men so she wouldnt up and leave for that. plus her drama was about her families culture verses his. melissa drama was 'i am fat now and hate it' and her family was white trash! haha! in the end he picked tali! yeah! if they do another season i want to hear more than 'i'm fat cause growing up people were mean to me' guido thought the bachelor was good looking, me was eh eh!
'design star' was a rollercoaster season. loved the southern blonde hair girl! her rooms were great but i hated that she got voted off cause going over budget. sad. the final two were dan, the giggler, and antonio, the macho tattoo guy! i hearted dan, he was attractive and always smiling! great rooms that were soft and enjoyable. antonio had a evry different point of view. loud and ghetto at times. didnt always do what people wanted and thats why he won. i think alos he has a different point of view unlike most designers on hgtv, so i think that he could have a good career with being different. i liked dan more, he is my style!
'queer as folk' season one went by so fast. sex sex sex and gay stuff went on and i loved it! it kept me entertained. guido hates it cause he is more conservative than me. i like it mostly all out in the open! which is fine and thats why i love him! muah! but i like queer as folk. not one of my top whatever number shows. but still good! love emmett and michael! seen hal sparks at a comedy club in new york and so funny! loved him also on talk soup as well as aisha tyler! one bad thing about the show, it only showcases one sets of gays doing on set of things. i wish they could expand, like conservative gays. gays who dont club and do drugs. everyday gays. not gays having sex all the time! season one i give 3 out of 5 stars for keeping me entertained!
'dr. horrible's sing-a-long-blog' which i have seen and seen over and over again! own the music but wanted to talked about it! some people dont like it cause it was too short. whatever to me! was it good? yes! some say they couldnt believe the ending, but duh!? havent you seen joss whedons work before cause then it makes sense! i loved every moment of it! i think its great that he has his brothers working with him on this and 'dollhouse'! thought it is funny how much you can tell when joss didnt write some of the songs. his are always funny and great. his brothers werent as good to me. they mostly wrote the penny songs, to were a little boring. i love joss and dr. horrible! 4.75 out of 5 stars why not 5 cause i wish promotion and distrubution could be better! hear there is sequel in the works! lets hope!
'fame' the 2009 version. was good. not funny at all. had some very serious moments which i did love just to show how severe rejection is in the industry. most music was good. but some were kinda ghetto sounding to me. love the feel of the movie. felt like it went too fast. every 20 minutes a new year happened. i wish i was a tv show or one year of their lives. so then if it did good then a second movie for their sophmore year and so on. why did i not like it cause i felt like i have seen this kind of movie before. yes, it is based on a 1980's movie. so others things were created to look like the old one and so on until this one redone still wasnt amazing to me! i loved that they used actual talent in the movie! cause most movies they get famous people and film it like they do have talent of which they really dont. 3 out of 5 stars
'management' which is a movie i never heard of until i watched it! guido hated it, was boring to him and stupid. i loved it! both zach and jenn had weird characters to start and then they hook up and he travels to see her just because he likes her. out of blue stuff happens! love it! so weird it reminded me of 'garden state' and 'lars and the real girl'. love that is different and not conventional. i loved it and would watch it again and again! 4 out of 5 stars
Sunday, September 6, 2009
new with me and reviews!
me and guido are planning our next vacation to san francisco to see kylie minogue in concert! so excited! just got our hotel reservations! so now just to save money for gas, food and stuff to buy! so excited! we also have a goal to loose some weight. since we met we have gained too much weight, especially me! so we have our goals and when we meet them we buy ourselves stuff! mine is mostly new dvds! yeah! it feels like forever since i bought a new dvd, i want one! we have been eating healthier and now i just put up my weight bench1 i want guid to try a bench just the bar! lets hope he can!
'true blood' we finished the first season and guido loved it! so so much! me, i thought it was good. but sometimes i feel like i have seen this so its not too exciting. the boys in it our hot! though there is a lot of boobies in it, not hot. haha! it had its twists ans turns, i figured out the killer second to last episode right before it was reviled, so maybe they gave me clues but i got it before they said it! yes! all in all the show is great! guido reads the book and for the most part its going with it. only time will tell how the series does. guido gives it 4.5 out of 5 stars. i give it 4 out of 5 stars!
'sex and the city' finished the sereis but not the movie. remember i have seen this series before. so rewatching it made me love it more! the first time i saw it i hated the way carrie and big ended, everyone else ended great, i thought. this time, i loved carrie and bigs ending! i dont know what changed, but i loved it! so i am now way excited to see the movie again! this season 6 part 2 - 4.75 out of 5 stars! the whole series as a whole i would give it a 4 out of 5 stars! hello lover! my favorite parts were when charlotte's elizabeth had puppies! samantha getting cancer and her being happy for the best she could! miranda gets kissed on the head my magda! love it!
'true blood' we finished the first season and guido loved it! so so much! me, i thought it was good. but sometimes i feel like i have seen this so its not too exciting. the boys in it our hot! though there is a lot of boobies in it, not hot. haha! it had its twists ans turns, i figured out the killer second to last episode right before it was reviled, so maybe they gave me clues but i got it before they said it! yes! all in all the show is great! guido reads the book and for the most part its going with it. only time will tell how the series does. guido gives it 4.5 out of 5 stars. i give it 4 out of 5 stars!
'sex and the city' finished the sereis but not the movie. remember i have seen this series before. so rewatching it made me love it more! the first time i saw it i hated the way carrie and big ended, everyone else ended great, i thought. this time, i loved carrie and bigs ending! i dont know what changed, but i loved it! so i am now way excited to see the movie again! this season 6 part 2 - 4.75 out of 5 stars! the whole series as a whole i would give it a 4 out of 5 stars! hello lover! my favorite parts were when charlotte's elizabeth had puppies! samantha getting cancer and her being happy for the best she could! miranda gets kissed on the head my magda! love it!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
new things
'sunshine cleaning' was so very funny like 'little miss sunshine'. had its sad parts but funny in a weird way. sometimes during the movie it didnt look like amy adams but it was definately her cause in every movie i have seen her in its the same role. change it up. be a druggie hooker with a baby on the way, aka britney spears! haha! she always plays the quiet with bursts of angre, shy and boring but seems that everyone can relate to her, which i can but she needs to be out there and crazy. 3.75 out of 5 stars
'inglorius basterds' brad pitt was funny as everyone else was. i just didnt get the whole killing of inoccent people. like the bartender at the bar. she was just working and bam, she's dead. i dont get that. i do like the beginning when it shows the backstory of jew bear! so funny! it wasnt my kind of movie but i do see how people love quentin movies. he is so ugly. ugh. see this movie cause it is good, who knows if you will like it. guido loved it! one of his favorites! guido score 5 out of 5 stars. mine would be 4 out of 5 stars.
'adventureland' was funny and reminded me a lot of 'fraks and geeks' the tv series. the film is set in the 80's at a theme park. there were funny parts but overall was okay. ryan reynolds is a huge star and was weird to see him in such a small role. the main guy seemed like the role intially went to michael cerra, cause the character resembled every charcter he has ever played but he was probably busy so they got some no name. guido felt that kristen stewart seemed like bella, from 'twilight', but with sex. 2.25 out of 5 stars.
'dollhouse' so i have been weird about those last two episodes so i was just trying to get back into, so when i did, i finished it so quick! amazing! the ending of the aired episodes was a little predictable but still had some twists. i miss november/millie! she was my favorite! on the dvd there was 13th episode filmed in case the series got cancelled so then they could air it. it was sad and depressing to see where these characters would go. it was good but very sad. joss has stated that he will continue what was written but to us we dont know if those memories were planted or real! so yeah! i knew from the beginning of the show that someone in the dollhouse who thought was real wasnt going to be! i loved it! 4.75 out of 5 stars.
'sex and the city' i am finally moving forward more on the show. like i have said i have seen this but still was taking me a bit to continue. season 6 part 2 seems rushed but for some reason its the only season that i love! i hate carrie's russian. but the dialogue has become so great. when samantha gets cancer, to charlotte getting elizabeth taylor! its so witty and fun! i love it and now i have a disc left and the movie! big still annoys me. season 6 part 1 3.75 out of 5 stars. season 6 part 2 so far 4.5 out of 5 stars.
'inglorius basterds' brad pitt was funny as everyone else was. i just didnt get the whole killing of inoccent people. like the bartender at the bar. she was just working and bam, she's dead. i dont get that. i do like the beginning when it shows the backstory of jew bear! so funny! it wasnt my kind of movie but i do see how people love quentin movies. he is so ugly. ugh. see this movie cause it is good, who knows if you will like it. guido loved it! one of his favorites! guido score 5 out of 5 stars. mine would be 4 out of 5 stars.
'adventureland' was funny and reminded me a lot of 'fraks and geeks' the tv series. the film is set in the 80's at a theme park. there were funny parts but overall was okay. ryan reynolds is a huge star and was weird to see him in such a small role. the main guy seemed like the role intially went to michael cerra, cause the character resembled every charcter he has ever played but he was probably busy so they got some no name. guido felt that kristen stewart seemed like bella, from 'twilight', but with sex. 2.25 out of 5 stars.
'dollhouse' so i have been weird about those last two episodes so i was just trying to get back into, so when i did, i finished it so quick! amazing! the ending of the aired episodes was a little predictable but still had some twists. i miss november/millie! she was my favorite! on the dvd there was 13th episode filmed in case the series got cancelled so then they could air it. it was sad and depressing to see where these characters would go. it was good but very sad. joss has stated that he will continue what was written but to us we dont know if those memories were planted or real! so yeah! i knew from the beginning of the show that someone in the dollhouse who thought was real wasnt going to be! i loved it! 4.75 out of 5 stars.
'sex and the city' i am finally moving forward more on the show. like i have said i have seen this but still was taking me a bit to continue. season 6 part 2 seems rushed but for some reason its the only season that i love! i hate carrie's russian. but the dialogue has become so great. when samantha gets cancer, to charlotte getting elizabeth taylor! its so witty and fun! i love it and now i have a disc left and the movie! big still annoys me. season 6 part 1 3.75 out of 5 stars. season 6 part 2 so far 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
new movie and tv reviews
'legally blondes' the third installment to the movie series. it was cute that they talked about cousin elle, reese witherspoon! i wish she stopped by for a quick sec in the movie. the movie was chessy as you would expect. but all in all it felt like a was watching a tamer version of the original 'legally blonde'. they had court room scene and a girl confronting her fears and a way to hit on boys. 2 out of 5 stars
'dollhouse' watched the first 6 episodes and was on the edge of my seat and twist and twist and twist made me so excited about it. then the nest 2 episodes i watched were downers, for that the creator, joss whedon, has done very very very similar episodes on buffy and angel. so i was disappointed for that. so i have lost a little interest but hoping to pick back up for some amazment!
'i love you, man' love all the gay stuff. the gay brother, who didnt act gay but said gay stuff, was so funny. paul rudd did an amazing job at annoying me. he was uncomfortable and so was i. so i think he did his job in that way. the movie was hiliarious and sad when it was suppose to be. it felt like a textbook writing of a screenplay. like in every movie here is A, now B, and it comes down to C. i didnt like how the best friend interuppted the wedding, we have seen this before. i want something new to see! 2.5 out of 5 stars
'dollhouse' watched the first 6 episodes and was on the edge of my seat and twist and twist and twist made me so excited about it. then the nest 2 episodes i watched were downers, for that the creator, joss whedon, has done very very very similar episodes on buffy and angel. so i was disappointed for that. so i have lost a little interest but hoping to pick back up for some amazment!
'i love you, man' love all the gay stuff. the gay brother, who didnt act gay but said gay stuff, was so funny. paul rudd did an amazing job at annoying me. he was uncomfortable and so was i. so i think he did his job in that way. the movie was hiliarious and sad when it was suppose to be. it felt like a textbook writing of a screenplay. like in every movie here is A, now B, and it comes down to C. i didnt like how the best friend interuppted the wedding, we have seen this before. i want something new to see! 2.5 out of 5 stars
Saturday, August 1, 2009
tv reviews
'sex and the city' on season 6 now and now have decided what my favorite scene from the show is! ta-dah: the episode in where carrie catches her neighbor across the way hittin it with a someone. she calls up the gals and they all come over to watch them in action while eating popcorn! love it!
'dollhouse' amazing! cant say more cause that is all it is! and genius! love you joss whedon!
'pushing daises' season two comes out with kristin singing in the hills and being a nun was so great i wanted to cry!
'charmed' in the fifth season and still its very boring and clique to me. though i cant not stop watching. i get how its a show that lesbians love but i dont get it. bad writing is problem one for me.
i am so excited for the new season of shows to watch. melrose place! beauitful life! 90210! wonderful!
'dollhouse' amazing! cant say more cause that is all it is! and genius! love you joss whedon!
'pushing daises' season two comes out with kristin singing in the hills and being a nun was so great i wanted to cry!
'charmed' in the fifth season and still its very boring and clique to me. though i cant not stop watching. i get how its a show that lesbians love but i dont get it. bad writing is problem one for me.
i am so excited for the new season of shows to watch. melrose place! beauitful life! 90210! wonderful!
Julie and Julia
meryl streep was amazing!!! she was so great and funny and charming! if i was her husband i might kill myself, but a outsider i thought she was delicous. amy adams did a great job! the story was great until the end for me when julie gets a call from a reporter about what julia says. we dont know exactly what was said but we know it was a postive thing and that was very depressing. i know this movie is based on 2 true stories and they didnt want to change it but i ended with such a sad disappointing event. even after that i loved it! 4.25 out of 5 stars and for 'harry' 3.5 out of 5
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
'Harry Potter 6' was good, not great. now i know i havent read this book but i know enough to know what went wrong. what was with the huge love story, i know its in the book, but that is what to me was what the movie was all about. dumbledore's funeral? where is it? i heard that is how the 7 part 1 movie might open up to, well tell us fans so we can be okay, if not. let us down gently. the coloring was great and effects were amazing. i loved that they lite up the weasley house! it was spectaular! comments?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Britney's Radar Music Video and movie review
'Radar' what the beep was that? the video had nothing to do with the the actual song. the video reminded me of people who are into horse play. i got more info on why the video was shot that way but still. britney is the spokesman for candies at kohls and this season is southern wear and she is southern so in the video she wears candies clothes. i am not saying the video is bad cause it is shot beautifully and so great but has no beeping thing to do with the beeping music. it should have be a slow song with that video. then i would have loved it. radar needs dance and color not esquriatian play. whatever. video i give 4.0 stars, the song i give 3.5. together i give it 0.5
'Knowing' this movie was so great until the end. it was scary, intense and kept you on your seat until the end. it was like a steven speilberg ending. meaning alien type things end it and was completely stupid. 3 out of 5 stars
'Push' this movie reminded me too much of heroes but set in tokyo the entire time. there were parts that were grainy but that was the thing they were going for. it was typical ending. they had cute names for the powers that every superhuman movie/show has. no too original so 2.5 out of 5 stars
'Knowing' this movie was so great until the end. it was scary, intense and kept you on your seat until the end. it was like a steven speilberg ending. meaning alien type things end it and was completely stupid. 3 out of 5 stars
'Push' this movie reminded me too much of heroes but set in tokyo the entire time. there were parts that were grainy but that was the thing they were going for. it was typical ending. they had cute names for the powers that every superhuman movie/show has. no too original so 2.5 out of 5 stars
Monday, June 29, 2009
'Gran torino' a movie that i wouldnt have ever seen but did and loved it! never expected clint eastwood to make this film and be amazing. when i think clint, i think western. not after this. it was very real the the ending made me want to cry. the racism was so very funny to me that me and guid were laughing to much. its a movie i highly recommend! 4.5 out of 5 stars if you can watch something with a ton of swearing and loads to racism thrown in your face!
Vacation 2009 part 2
so our trip continued up the state, we wanted to drive the coast but it would have taken longer so we nicked that. driving up california was traffic 2 hours out of los angelos then free as a bird. we passed a town called ventura that looked so cute and was big enough for a family but small enough to not have a city. you know what i mean? and it had a huge theme park in it, i think it was six flags!
as we got close to san fran we passed by all these windmills in the hills to produce power! it was so awesome to see them all going for endless miles. we got to san fran and the biggest deal was to find a place to stay, we didnt want to book ahead cause we didnt know exactly where we wanted to stay. bad idea. it took forever in some places to find a decent place that wasnt trying to rip us off. some places outside of san fran wanted to charge us more than san fran did and we were like no. we went walking down fishermans warf for miles! walked pier 39 and saw the sea lions and took bunches of pictures. the shops were so cute and fun. parking was hell and very expensive. we ate in little italy and went to this market. we went into a wig shop that was so dreamy for me. i love hair and what you can do with it. we went to golden gate bridge and it was spectacular! the city was amazing with its up and down streets and not a cloud in the sky until we got to the bridge. it was so foggy up in the sky at some points we couldnt see the top of the bridge. i got a brillant idea that we should walk it! it started out really cool but by the end of one of the ways we were dying and we still had to walk back. it took us an hour and 20 minutes to walk the entire thing. but not a lot of people can say they did! we drove through the city park and my favorite was, castro district! it felt like another home to me! i was so comfortable. me and guido could walk around holding hands and kissing. we shopped and shopped. they had my favs: comic book stores, pizza and gay people! there was more, dont get me wrong. we went out that night to 3 bars and 2 were really good! one was more of a bar where we mostly just sat and talked and drank. then onto to bar 2 which was way more dancey and we danced, especially when britney came on! we awoke the next day and and found a laundry mat and wasked our clothes and talked and planned out more of our day. we went to japan town which guid found so amazing! it was this huge white building going across two blocks with a bridge over the street which carried shops in it too! he had a glorious time and loved watching him! i ate this amazing crepe at the japan place which i dont think crepes when i think of japan people. i tried these candy japanese balls that were made from rice. yuck. so gross. guido loved them! we decided to not sleep in san fran so we started back driving to head to portland.
driving in the night sucked a little cause you couldnt see what the landscapes were but no traffic was beautiful. he tried a couple places to sleep but they were ridiculous so we kept driving and we pulled into this rest stop and folded the back seat down to try and sleep. not good. tried some more places and i kept driving until the sun rose and i needed to sleep so i parked at another rest stop and slept a mcdonalds for a tiny bit then drove again til we hit portland and we needed to find a place to sleep. we first went to powells bookstore and looked for books and found some that i wanted then found a place to stay and went to find it and it was totally out of the way. and the highway system in portland and seattle suck and blow. i hated the way the planned it out, the roads and highways connected to more higheways and connected to more highways. it was confusing as all hell. that night we decided to go to a male strip club that i had been to already and was totally confused on where it was then we found out that it was a brand new location! it was a ton better than the old one. we sat and drank and watched boys strip for money. i did tip one guy cause he could move like no one else could. the other boys hardly moved and some guy didnt budge and guys kept tipping him and he didnt even show anything. othere guys would wipe it right out. one guy was our favorite! or shall i say our favorite in a special way. it was this asian guy which was skinny as anyone can be and would stand there moving his arms like a robot and would turn around and smack his ass and spread his butt cheeks. me and guido laughed so hard cause he was so stupid. we went to bed and woke up to drive to seattle.
driving there was so pretty until he hit the city with as bad of highways as portland. we got lost but the mountains there were so amazing and the bridges were awesome. so much to look at and the city was enormous. we booked this hotel and our next one in portland to save us from looking so we thought ahead. we went to the hotel and then to the space needle. so big and so in your face it was amazing. it was 16 dollars to go to the top so we didnt see it from the top. we're cheap! every city we went to we went and saw japan town! seattles was awesome to! we ate there and had this creampuffs they made in front of us and were so delicous! i love seeing guido get so excited when he is looking at all the asian stuff1 i love it! we went down to pike place and it was so boring. nothing was going on and nobody was there. went into a couple shops and boring. to me, portland and seattle werent very good but san fran was amazing to me! we then headed off to richland.
we went to richland to visit my friend ginger and her newborn maxwell. so cute! we went to dinner and chatted for hours and then we headed to baker city to spend the night then off we drove the next morning til we got home! overall this trip was amazing! i want to go back to san fran so bad and just relax there and have no obligations what so ever! peace!
as we got close to san fran we passed by all these windmills in the hills to produce power! it was so awesome to see them all going for endless miles. we got to san fran and the biggest deal was to find a place to stay, we didnt want to book ahead cause we didnt know exactly where we wanted to stay. bad idea. it took forever in some places to find a decent place that wasnt trying to rip us off. some places outside of san fran wanted to charge us more than san fran did and we were like no. we went walking down fishermans warf for miles! walked pier 39 and saw the sea lions and took bunches of pictures. the shops were so cute and fun. parking was hell and very expensive. we ate in little italy and went to this market. we went into a wig shop that was so dreamy for me. i love hair and what you can do with it. we went to golden gate bridge and it was spectacular! the city was amazing with its up and down streets and not a cloud in the sky until we got to the bridge. it was so foggy up in the sky at some points we couldnt see the top of the bridge. i got a brillant idea that we should walk it! it started out really cool but by the end of one of the ways we were dying and we still had to walk back. it took us an hour and 20 minutes to walk the entire thing. but not a lot of people can say they did! we drove through the city park and my favorite was, castro district! it felt like another home to me! i was so comfortable. me and guido could walk around holding hands and kissing. we shopped and shopped. they had my favs: comic book stores, pizza and gay people! there was more, dont get me wrong. we went out that night to 3 bars and 2 were really good! one was more of a bar where we mostly just sat and talked and drank. then onto to bar 2 which was way more dancey and we danced, especially when britney came on! we awoke the next day and and found a laundry mat and wasked our clothes and talked and planned out more of our day. we went to japan town which guid found so amazing! it was this huge white building going across two blocks with a bridge over the street which carried shops in it too! he had a glorious time and loved watching him! i ate this amazing crepe at the japan place which i dont think crepes when i think of japan people. i tried these candy japanese balls that were made from rice. yuck. so gross. guido loved them! we decided to not sleep in san fran so we started back driving to head to portland.
driving in the night sucked a little cause you couldnt see what the landscapes were but no traffic was beautiful. he tried a couple places to sleep but they were ridiculous so we kept driving and we pulled into this rest stop and folded the back seat down to try and sleep. not good. tried some more places and i kept driving until the sun rose and i needed to sleep so i parked at another rest stop and slept a mcdonalds for a tiny bit then drove again til we hit portland and we needed to find a place to sleep. we first went to powells bookstore and looked for books and found some that i wanted then found a place to stay and went to find it and it was totally out of the way. and the highway system in portland and seattle suck and blow. i hated the way the planned it out, the roads and highways connected to more higheways and connected to more highways. it was confusing as all hell. that night we decided to go to a male strip club that i had been to already and was totally confused on where it was then we found out that it was a brand new location! it was a ton better than the old one. we sat and drank and watched boys strip for money. i did tip one guy cause he could move like no one else could. the other boys hardly moved and some guy didnt budge and guys kept tipping him and he didnt even show anything. othere guys would wipe it right out. one guy was our favorite! or shall i say our favorite in a special way. it was this asian guy which was skinny as anyone can be and would stand there moving his arms like a robot and would turn around and smack his ass and spread his butt cheeks. me and guido laughed so hard cause he was so stupid. we went to bed and woke up to drive to seattle.
driving there was so pretty until he hit the city with as bad of highways as portland. we got lost but the mountains there were so amazing and the bridges were awesome. so much to look at and the city was enormous. we booked this hotel and our next one in portland to save us from looking so we thought ahead. we went to the hotel and then to the space needle. so big and so in your face it was amazing. it was 16 dollars to go to the top so we didnt see it from the top. we're cheap! every city we went to we went and saw japan town! seattles was awesome to! we ate there and had this creampuffs they made in front of us and were so delicous! i love seeing guido get so excited when he is looking at all the asian stuff1 i love it! we went down to pike place and it was so boring. nothing was going on and nobody was there. went into a couple shops and boring. to me, portland and seattle werent very good but san fran was amazing to me! we then headed off to richland.
we went to richland to visit my friend ginger and her newborn maxwell. so cute! we went to dinner and chatted for hours and then we headed to baker city to spend the night then off we drove the next morning til we got home! overall this trip was amazing! i want to go back to san fran so bad and just relax there and have no obligations what so ever! peace!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
this is my big vacation this year! me and guid went with his mom, dad, sister, brother and sister in-law to disneyland, seaworld, universal studios, san diego zoo and the beach for 6 days and they went home as for me and guid went onward for 6 more days of san francisco, portland, seattle and richland! let me tell you of an adventure so fun i cant even tell these events in order so they will be spuratic and all over the place! deal! lets begin:
seaworld was our first stop and so much fun! valeria, guid's sis, wanted us to sit in the soak zone at shamu. we got soaked so bad and smelled like fish all day, nasty. we smelt like lesbians! haha! we went and saw most, if not all of the shows they had, like the cirque dnace thingy, boring. its like the vegas shows at seaworld. wasnt good cause we wanted to see animals part of it and now were. boring. we saw some mantee's mating. that was cool. they stayed up close to each other and humped and things were growing and poking! haha! we went to pet the sting rays and that was cool! i held a starfish and they had a dolphin pond where people were trying to touch the dolphins. i reached and reached like everyone else was and got lucky! not once but twice! its was a good day until the second time right when i touch her, she tried to nip me and yelped and pulled my arm back. still so cute! we went on the journey to atlantis rollercoaster! so good! at first it was okay and then the water ride turned onto an elevator part and jerked us around and dropped us and was so cool! guid, me, valeria and lyndsey, sister in-law, went to the kids part of the park and went on the climbing course and was so much fun! crawling on the ropes, into tubes, wobbly bridges and all over again. we hurt our knees but if was a total workout for us adults! when we finished up me and lyn had the worst sunburns that i am still wearing today. ugh. ugly.
san diego zoo was our second day on vaca! when we drove there we went through this street that me and guid couldnt stop laughing. it was totally gay san diego. pride flags everywhere! i loved it! at the zoo i saw pandas for my first time. they were so cute! we got some cool pics of them. and i saw zebras trying to hump each other! haha! we saw some apes and their babies. so cute as the parent would through around the kids and the kid just held onto them for life. this day me and lyn wore loads of sunscreen so we could get better and it didnt we still got more burnt. ugh.
driving up the coast to anaheim we went to the beach and all of us swam. my first time getting fully under water and the water was cold and nasty tasting. i know, why did i drink it? i didnt, some gets in your mouth and eww! but it wasnt bad and guido loved that i was trying! muah! we also saw a bridge that i thought was a bridge used in 'charmed'. maybe! on the 3rd day we went to universal studios and i wore my buffy heart angel t-shirt! got 4 people who commented on it! last time i was there i wore my shirt prenup please and got remarks and loved it! attention whore! they replaces the back to the future ride with the simpsons ride which was very cool. the ampuero family loved it! its a very colorful ride and the even had the quik-e-mart store to buy stuff in! we went on the tour of the studios but in spanish for guids parents. me and lyn hated every minute. we didnt get anything. we were lost and it gave us a headache. right after we went to eat at pands express and ate for 2 for $30. rip off. dont eat in the park. i love the mummy and jurassic ride! nice! when we left we went shopping at the big mall they had attched to the park and it was huge and awesome!
4th and 5th day we went to disneyland and california adventure! loved it! by this time the family was so wore out that we didnt stay long at either park late. we got a turkey leg, gross. best part was a cream cheese filled pretzel, heaven! the lines at disney were not very long and moved quickly. except the toy story ride had a wait for an hour and something so we didnt go. fav rides were tower of terror! screamin california and space mountain! but we did run into trouble. on haunted mansion we got down to where we board the ride part and the ride stopped so we were asked to leave, everyone. indiana jones we got on the ride and it was our car that broke and we were lined up and escorted to a different car to restart the ride. while we alked another group took are picture cause we were walking in a uniformed line like we did something wrong. they were doing construction at california adventure for two new rides and it looks sweet! i cant wait to go back! we went on the new finding nemo ride which was awesome! we were in a submarine but not every deep at all. after we strolled down dowtown disney and went to the lego shop! i loved it! it was a dream in there! i just wanted to buy everything and build it!
we went hot tubing and swam for a little bit while in anaheim. we ate out a lot and had our own fun! though the service at ramada wasnt very helpful and the receptionist didnt have someone working with her which she clearly needed someone. phone calls, checking out, orders, mail all coming in at once and she alone tried to do it. me and guid departed from his family and they went home to salt lake and me and guid checked out a mall and then head north for part 2 of our vacation!
seaworld was our first stop and so much fun! valeria, guid's sis, wanted us to sit in the soak zone at shamu. we got soaked so bad and smelled like fish all day, nasty. we smelt like lesbians! haha! we went and saw most, if not all of the shows they had, like the cirque dnace thingy, boring. its like the vegas shows at seaworld. wasnt good cause we wanted to see animals part of it and now were. boring. we saw some mantee's mating. that was cool. they stayed up close to each other and humped and things were growing and poking! haha! we went to pet the sting rays and that was cool! i held a starfish and they had a dolphin pond where people were trying to touch the dolphins. i reached and reached like everyone else was and got lucky! not once but twice! its was a good day until the second time right when i touch her, she tried to nip me and yelped and pulled my arm back. still so cute! we went on the journey to atlantis rollercoaster! so good! at first it was okay and then the water ride turned onto an elevator part and jerked us around and dropped us and was so cool! guid, me, valeria and lyndsey, sister in-law, went to the kids part of the park and went on the climbing course and was so much fun! crawling on the ropes, into tubes, wobbly bridges and all over again. we hurt our knees but if was a total workout for us adults! when we finished up me and lyn had the worst sunburns that i am still wearing today. ugh. ugly.
san diego zoo was our second day on vaca! when we drove there we went through this street that me and guid couldnt stop laughing. it was totally gay san diego. pride flags everywhere! i loved it! at the zoo i saw pandas for my first time. they were so cute! we got some cool pics of them. and i saw zebras trying to hump each other! haha! we saw some apes and their babies. so cute as the parent would through around the kids and the kid just held onto them for life. this day me and lyn wore loads of sunscreen so we could get better and it didnt we still got more burnt. ugh.
driving up the coast to anaheim we went to the beach and all of us swam. my first time getting fully under water and the water was cold and nasty tasting. i know, why did i drink it? i didnt, some gets in your mouth and eww! but it wasnt bad and guido loved that i was trying! muah! we also saw a bridge that i thought was a bridge used in 'charmed'. maybe! on the 3rd day we went to universal studios and i wore my buffy heart angel t-shirt! got 4 people who commented on it! last time i was there i wore my shirt prenup please and got remarks and loved it! attention whore! they replaces the back to the future ride with the simpsons ride which was very cool. the ampuero family loved it! its a very colorful ride and the even had the quik-e-mart store to buy stuff in! we went on the tour of the studios but in spanish for guids parents. me and lyn hated every minute. we didnt get anything. we were lost and it gave us a headache. right after we went to eat at pands express and ate for 2 for $30. rip off. dont eat in the park. i love the mummy and jurassic ride! nice! when we left we went shopping at the big mall they had attched to the park and it was huge and awesome!
4th and 5th day we went to disneyland and california adventure! loved it! by this time the family was so wore out that we didnt stay long at either park late. we got a turkey leg, gross. best part was a cream cheese filled pretzel, heaven! the lines at disney were not very long and moved quickly. except the toy story ride had a wait for an hour and something so we didnt go. fav rides were tower of terror! screamin california and space mountain! but we did run into trouble. on haunted mansion we got down to where we board the ride part and the ride stopped so we were asked to leave, everyone. indiana jones we got on the ride and it was our car that broke and we were lined up and escorted to a different car to restart the ride. while we alked another group took are picture cause we were walking in a uniformed line like we did something wrong. they were doing construction at california adventure for two new rides and it looks sweet! i cant wait to go back! we went on the new finding nemo ride which was awesome! we were in a submarine but not every deep at all. after we strolled down dowtown disney and went to the lego shop! i loved it! it was a dream in there! i just wanted to buy everything and build it!
we went hot tubing and swam for a little bit while in anaheim. we ate out a lot and had our own fun! though the service at ramada wasnt very helpful and the receptionist didnt have someone working with her which she clearly needed someone. phone calls, checking out, orders, mail all coming in at once and she alone tried to do it. me and guid departed from his family and they went home to salt lake and me and guid checked out a mall and then head north for part 2 of our vacation!
'dead like me' we finished the series with the movie! love that show! i had seen the movie before but not right after watching the series, so when i did, i loved it so much more! to me there was a few things i didnt like but for the most part i loved it. it flowed and you got to see the characters grow and move forward and some start new lives! the coloring on the movie wasnt the coloring of the show which i didnt like. i wish it went on to explain more of who crystal was. i think she is a reaper! maybe?
'sex and the city' i have already seen this show as stated, i love it! i am in the 3rd season and carrie has wonderful hair! i hate that she is cheating on aiden, he is perfect and stupid big. i hate him most of the time. i know guido is my big and they have a lot in common but guido is not that stupid, like big is. uhh! big is such a guy. guido is such a gay guy! muah my lover!
'charmed' we started to watch the 4th season when rose mcgowan joins! love her! so much better than shannen doherty. she is stupid and ridiculous. paige, rose, is so slutty, young, cute and funny! the show still has its moments of 'why?' and "what? really?' but i am learning to live.
'sex and the city' i have already seen this show as stated, i love it! i am in the 3rd season and carrie has wonderful hair! i hate that she is cheating on aiden, he is perfect and stupid big. i hate him most of the time. i know guido is my big and they have a lot in common but guido is not that stupid, like big is. uhh! big is such a guy. guido is such a gay guy! muah my lover!
'charmed' we started to watch the 4th season when rose mcgowan joins! love her! so much better than shannen doherty. she is stupid and ridiculous. paige, rose, is so slutty, young, cute and funny! the show still has its moments of 'why?' and "what? really?' but i am learning to live.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
TV reviews number i dont know
'tell me you love me' is so good! i love how messed up these relationships were and how these couples were trudgging through them. you have to see this show to know why its so good. its only a season cause the creator i heard didnt know where to take these characters the next season so opted out for another season. sad. it was bringing up a lot of questions of what would you do if you were in this situation for more couples to discuss with each other and learn more.
'Dead like me' me and guido are almost done with the second season. i hate eric mccormacks character on the show. i feel like he was on it too long. i feel like this show was 'will and grace' when they started to get so many celebrities onto the show. i hated it and hated it with 'dead'. many if they got a different actor for the part, but probably not. hated the person not the actor.
'Sex and the city' i started to re-watch this show! i love it! now that i have seen in and years have gone by its funny to see how ground breaking it was for its time. when i watch it now its not provokative but back in its time it was. there are so many shows doing what it did ten years ago so bravo! mr. big- is so much like my guido. when carrie wants him to hang with her friends he bails at the last minute saying you should hang their your friends. guido does it. doesnt always tell me what he is thinking. guido/big. so much a like its uncanny. have watched the first two seasons in 2 days! nice!
'Dead like me' me and guido are almost done with the second season. i hate eric mccormacks character on the show. i feel like he was on it too long. i feel like this show was 'will and grace' when they started to get so many celebrities onto the show. i hated it and hated it with 'dead'. many if they got a different actor for the part, but probably not. hated the person not the actor.
'Sex and the city' i started to re-watch this show! i love it! now that i have seen in and years have gone by its funny to see how ground breaking it was for its time. when i watch it now its not provokative but back in its time it was. there are so many shows doing what it did ten years ago so bravo! mr. big- is so much like my guido. when carrie wants him to hang with her friends he bails at the last minute saying you should hang their your friends. guido does it. doesnt always tell me what he is thinking. guido/big. so much a like its uncanny. have watched the first two seasons in 2 days! nice!
movie reviews
'Confessions of a Shopaholic' so i own this book, which i own thousands of books, which none i have ever read but wanted too. so when i heard it was becoming a movie, i was elated! the movie was so funny! it spoke to me in so many ways! it was like, this is how i feel! now you might be asking, travis? your into fashion? you laugh as if it was a joke! it is. but hear me out. i love looking at fashion and wearing fashion when its called. but since i am not famous or wealthy, why put myself out there in something i, nor anyone, can keep up in. you can get close to the top then hold up, fall season just came out and when you think you got all that you wanted, spring line is out. i have enough hobbies, fetishes, money down the toilet and etc. other things to have to worry about. so thats why i dont do fashion on me. i will when i am rich and famous! back to the movie was so great! so many big celebrities! two things i didnt like was near the end when the debt collector showed up in the audience, way too movie esque, duh its a movie! but i like when things are a little bit more realistic. second thing is when the shopaholics leader gives her clothes to charity. if i was isla fisher i would have screamed and ripped that gray haired womeans wig off to get back my clothes. how dare she. 4 out 5 stars!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
TV series 5
'dead like me' me and guido watched the ntire first season in two days! i have already seen this show and now watching it with guid so he can be amazed at such an awesome show! roxy makes me smile! rube is so tender and mason is mason! i love the creator of this show bryan fuller which i found out that he left the show 5 episodes in because of creative differences which is so sad to me but makes me okay with the movie that they made after the show was cancelled. more on that later on! season one shows george's struggle and copping with life after death. guido isnt a fan of daisy but i adore her! i love everyone on this show! its so fun to watch and i love sharing it with friends! my friends that adore this show:guido, theresa, derek, vanessa, emily and me! so far! i will find more ppl to love this show! peace!
Hello, Dolly
me and my friend theresa went to hale center theatre and saw 'hello, dolly'! not that bad. it was old fashioned which isnt my thing. but it had some laughs and good dance numbers. makes me want to see the movie. i know, i am gay and havent seen barbra at her best but i want to! the best part was all the girls were in wigs and you could see their actual hair poking out and all the guys, totally gay! me and theresa laughed more at all the gayness that was going on! haha! peace
movie reviews
'drag me to hell' was gross and okay. 2 out of 5, depending on what tickles your fancy in horror flicks! me, its gore and thrills and story! this movie was not. the main actress sucked so badly. she wasnt believeable at all. half way through the movie one of the people was dancing in the air and a goat talks. stupid. good things was it reallt felt like a horror movie that was written very back in the day and finally now got made. it had old time scary music and the gross factors in the movie were nasty but reminded me of old horror. if you like black and white horror i think you will like this!
'the international' 1.5 out of 5. it bore me and i wasnt hardly paying any attention anyway. mostly surfing the internet on my phone. the best part was the gun fight inside the guggenheim. thats it for this one.
'hulk' with edward norton. it was made by some of the same people who did 'iron man' and they're were crossing to intertwin stories but 'the hulk' lacked entertaining. CG was fine, writing was fine, acting was fine, so in all the movie was just fine. not exciting. 2.5 out of 5. i wanted something more. i was also confused in the end when 'iron man' guy showed up talking to the general. isnt the general bad and 'iron' guy good? what was up with that? isnt hulk good? shouldnt hulk and iron guy be talking? i dont know. tell me i got lost!
'the international' 1.5 out of 5. it bore me and i wasnt hardly paying any attention anyway. mostly surfing the internet on my phone. the best part was the gun fight inside the guggenheim. thats it for this one.
'hulk' with edward norton. it was made by some of the same people who did 'iron man' and they're were crossing to intertwin stories but 'the hulk' lacked entertaining. CG was fine, writing was fine, acting was fine, so in all the movie was just fine. not exciting. 2.5 out of 5. i wanted something more. i was also confused in the end when 'iron man' guy showed up talking to the general. isnt the general bad and 'iron' guy good? what was up with that? isnt hulk good? shouldnt hulk and iron guy be talking? i dont know. tell me i got lost!
Monday, June 8, 2009
TV series 4 and movies
finished 'sliders' 4 and is a snooze. didnt lead up to any climatic ending just boring, like picking your nose and getting nothing on your finger. sadness.
me and guid finished 'firefly'! and 'serenity' the movie! joss whedon is a genius! he writes the best characters and some of the funniest things! sad when he kills the most loveable characters, but that is what he does best! shows the good and bad sides of everyone. sad the show got cancelled and the movie bombing at the box office. want more so maybe in the future there might be!
started to watch some pilots of shows to see if i liked them before buying them or continue watching them: 'starter wife' the episodes in the miniseries are little too long. its a good start and would like to see where these characters go. a lot going on, but no one has really screwed someone over which i feel is gonna come soon in the show. we will see. 'gossip girl'. OMFG! AMAZING! i like how the show just sucked you in and how different it is. the narrator is a girl who sees all but you never see her, aka gossip girl! who is played by kristen bell! love her! my mom tried watching this show and didnt like it. since i have watched it, i know why. the kids are young and slutty. the parents pretty much are using their kids to get ahead and ppl are mean! i love it! totally not like my life in anyway, which i like it! thumbs up! only concern, the pilot narrates and ppl are gossiping with their phones and what not to keep up to date with gossip. i wonder if phones throughout the series will be seen or will be weeded out to minimize phones usage or how thats gonna play out?!
my new show! 'tell me you love me' from hbo. totally dirty and loving to see these different characters in different areas of their relationships and how each relationship is different. its a little depressing to see their lives worsen, havent gotten to a happy point yet. but the show goes for very realistic sex scenes. think porn, but no penetration shots. theres touching everywhere and even climaxes on screen. so be careful and watch at own risk. yes, it looks very real, but its fake, most of it!
'dance flick' was so funny to guido. me, it was not bad. would i recommend it, if your drunk and bored yes! which is weird cause usually the tables are turned and its me so laughs til i 'shit my pants!' and guid is eh eh about it. he laughs, but doesnt shit. i got ha eh eh. funniest parts were the zac efron jokes and hairpray stuff. dancing wasnt good, but its not suppose to be good. so 2 out 5.
'fired up' once again was funnier to guid than me. whats goin on? it has your cheesy parts like the plot thickens and characters realize stuff about them that make them better, boring. the best parts were the very small characters. the lesbatron (red head cheerleader), poppy (the little sister), the indian maybe gay cheerleader, the tall white gay cheerleader and the girl who says weird things like 'i want to cut her'! they made the movie better than it really was. 2.25 out of 5
me and guid finished 'firefly'! and 'serenity' the movie! joss whedon is a genius! he writes the best characters and some of the funniest things! sad when he kills the most loveable characters, but that is what he does best! shows the good and bad sides of everyone. sad the show got cancelled and the movie bombing at the box office. want more so maybe in the future there might be!
started to watch some pilots of shows to see if i liked them before buying them or continue watching them: 'starter wife' the episodes in the miniseries are little too long. its a good start and would like to see where these characters go. a lot going on, but no one has really screwed someone over which i feel is gonna come soon in the show. we will see. 'gossip girl'. OMFG! AMAZING! i like how the show just sucked you in and how different it is. the narrator is a girl who sees all but you never see her, aka gossip girl! who is played by kristen bell! love her! my mom tried watching this show and didnt like it. since i have watched it, i know why. the kids are young and slutty. the parents pretty much are using their kids to get ahead and ppl are mean! i love it! totally not like my life in anyway, which i like it! thumbs up! only concern, the pilot narrates and ppl are gossiping with their phones and what not to keep up to date with gossip. i wonder if phones throughout the series will be seen or will be weeded out to minimize phones usage or how thats gonna play out?!
my new show! 'tell me you love me' from hbo. totally dirty and loving to see these different characters in different areas of their relationships and how each relationship is different. its a little depressing to see their lives worsen, havent gotten to a happy point yet. but the show goes for very realistic sex scenes. think porn, but no penetration shots. theres touching everywhere and even climaxes on screen. so be careful and watch at own risk. yes, it looks very real, but its fake, most of it!
'dance flick' was so funny to guido. me, it was not bad. would i recommend it, if your drunk and bored yes! which is weird cause usually the tables are turned and its me so laughs til i 'shit my pants!' and guid is eh eh about it. he laughs, but doesnt shit. i got ha eh eh. funniest parts were the zac efron jokes and hairpray stuff. dancing wasnt good, but its not suppose to be good. so 2 out 5.
'fired up' once again was funnier to guid than me. whats goin on? it has your cheesy parts like the plot thickens and characters realize stuff about them that make them better, boring. the best parts were the very small characters. the lesbatron (red head cheerleader), poppy (the little sister), the indian maybe gay cheerleader, the tall white gay cheerleader and the girl who says weird things like 'i want to cut her'! they made the movie better than it really was. 2.25 out of 5
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Star Trek!
This movie was amazing! the music made it sound very old school which was fun! the acting was good, i even cried when james' dad died and was on the phone with his wife. i heard a sequel is already in the process! loved it1 i loved that JJ Abrams took the movie into a different direction and made a new dimension to it, but i think it might hurt the star trek series that the original series' fans will not support it. i hope they do! i founf the red creature was very simular to the main creature from cloverfield. peace!
Thank you isnt always a good thing from me!
So when i go to drive up windows at fast food places i am always really polite and quirky! people in the car laugh at how excentric i am when i order food. i think it makes me cute and funny! also i finf myself saying 'spank you (very much)' ever since jim carrey said it in Ace Ventura. i dont say it all the time but once in a while i do and sometimes at work i will say 'skank you' just for shock value. i love to shock people with what things i say! love it! i do piss people off but for the most part they laugh! so about two months ago this happened and guido has told me to write about it and never have to i am finally gonna tell you where my story is going! so i am at the drive through ordering very nicley at Carl's Jr. and we pull up to pay and grab our grub and when the transaction was finished i turn to the 17 year old boy haelping us and said 'Skank!' very loudly. thats all that i said and didnt realize until i left and guido started laughing as i was driving away. i felt so embarssed but i did laugh and now guido very time we leave he tells me say 'Skank' but i never do. even though its a long running joke now!
TV series 3
Charmed season 3. when can this series get a season arc. they're have been small like 4 episodes arcs but i want a whole season arc and hasnt happened yet and it drives me crazy. its only the 3rd season so they are still trying to get a foot in the door but still. i know i shouldn't compare but BUFFY is the best god damn thing made and i judge my shows againist that one and its hard competition. the best episode so far was when pheobe cast the spell for things lost should return and he hair went brown from being blonde. best one!
Sliders season 4. what happened to this series. remmy is one the most annoying characters ever. he has no common sense when you go to a new world you should spy on what is going on before you do anything shocking so no one will think anything other. every time they land somewhere new he steps out and starts yelling to see if anyone is around and it always gets them into trouble. i hate it. and whats with this new girl maggie and wade gone. i want wade back. maggie has bad bangs.
Lipstick Jungle. watched the pilot and wasnt impressed. will give it another shot but hoping for something better. i compare it to Sex and the City, which is amazing, because the two shows were written by the same woman. lipstick seems to be a very tame version on sex and boring. these girls on jungle are suppose to be forbes 100 and their apartments are blah blah blah. forbes 100 should have better places and even if they really dont, its television, make us believe forbes 100 women can have these amazing places to live. Brooke Sheilds' character is so weak, i couldnt believe brooke was this role. it didnt fit. when i see brooke so tall and awesome i think powerful and can knock you out with a punch but here character is so weak and depressing i want to hit her cause she will cry. i hope when i watch it again it will get better.
Dirty Sexy Money!!!!!!!! one word: Trashy! love it! all i watched was the pilot and wanted to keep going. i hate that the show got cancelled. there is always a couple things that when anything entertainment has, i will watch because of it and then decide. if something doesnt have it, then i usually wont. my things for me to look for: joss whedon, battlestar galactica, male nudity, anything queer related. always will watch anything if it has these items! DSM has a tranny in it so that is why i watched it and i am so glad i did. i swear a lot of shows begin with a death and then the show continues after that and what happenes to these people around the event go forward with: Desperate Housewives, Six Feet Under, Dead Like Me, Jericho, Nip/Tuck, and more. watch DSM its awesome. all the kids that are fucked up and has to deal with their rich, full of themselves attitude!
Sliders season 4. what happened to this series. remmy is one the most annoying characters ever. he has no common sense when you go to a new world you should spy on what is going on before you do anything shocking so no one will think anything other. every time they land somewhere new he steps out and starts yelling to see if anyone is around and it always gets them into trouble. i hate it. and whats with this new girl maggie and wade gone. i want wade back. maggie has bad bangs.
Lipstick Jungle. watched the pilot and wasnt impressed. will give it another shot but hoping for something better. i compare it to Sex and the City, which is amazing, because the two shows were written by the same woman. lipstick seems to be a very tame version on sex and boring. these girls on jungle are suppose to be forbes 100 and their apartments are blah blah blah. forbes 100 should have better places and even if they really dont, its television, make us believe forbes 100 women can have these amazing places to live. Brooke Sheilds' character is so weak, i couldnt believe brooke was this role. it didnt fit. when i see brooke so tall and awesome i think powerful and can knock you out with a punch but here character is so weak and depressing i want to hit her cause she will cry. i hope when i watch it again it will get better.
Dirty Sexy Money!!!!!!!! one word: Trashy! love it! all i watched was the pilot and wanted to keep going. i hate that the show got cancelled. there is always a couple things that when anything entertainment has, i will watch because of it and then decide. if something doesnt have it, then i usually wont. my things for me to look for: joss whedon, battlestar galactica, male nudity, anything queer related. always will watch anything if it has these items! DSM has a tranny in it so that is why i watched it and i am so glad i did. i swear a lot of shows begin with a death and then the show continues after that and what happenes to these people around the event go forward with: Desperate Housewives, Six Feet Under, Dead Like Me, Jericho, Nip/Tuck, and more. watch DSM its awesome. all the kids that are fucked up and has to deal with their rich, full of themselves attitude!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tv series 2 and movie reviews!
'Taken' loved it! action packed and was very stunned by how much violence was in the movie. nothing far fetched in terms of unbeliebabilty. acting was great! two problems: liam's monolgue telling the kidnappers blah blah blah i will find you and i will kill you. so over dramatic! and when liam comes over to his ex-wives place and tells her that their daughter has been kidnapped. knowing their relationship i took it very weird that she just believed him right away and went with it without questioning it. why do you ask would she not believe him? she doesnt want him around and he might try whatever it is to get her to let him be with the daughter. he's a little crazy at times. i loved it and give it 4.5 out of 5!
'The Passengers' so many twists and turns and we, me and guid, had a feeling what was going on but were uncertain who it pertained too. it kept us guessing what the end would be and the last 5 minutes it comes out and oh my god. so great! i almost cried cause i felt so sad and was kinda hopeful in what happens with these characters. love anne hathaway and patrick wilson, nice buns! and love dianne wiest! everything was tied up in the end no loose strings and makes me want to watch it again to pick up on the little things that were going on. i heard it got bad reviews so i was a little iffy about the film. i can see maybe why cause they have been films like this in the past but i think it did a good job at keeping you guessing and i was entertained. that is what movies are, entertainment! 4 out of 5!
'Dawson's Creek' i never wanted to see this show ever in my life. i remembering seeing clips when i was growing up and i just didnt want to see it but everyone kept telling me to try it. i gave in and watched the pilot. oh my god! i want to watch more! i love it! favorite part is when joey asks dawson when he walks his dog and how often!! haha! hehe! and he replies every morning with katie couric! i about died with all the sexual tension! now i only have seen the pilot so i got 6 seasons to go so i hope i love it!
'Charmed' me and guid just finished the second season and it was no so good. no huge arc, finale not so grand. third season has had a better but what is with the whole opening sequence changing like all the time. i mean, pick your main characters and stick with them!
'Sliders' on the fourth season and have loved how old it is the first 3 seasons but right now its getting spacey in the way with creatures and fall unbelieveable things happening and the cast chenges and i know will change again next season so a little, no a lot, bummed out by the idea. hopefully will get better!
'The Passengers' so many twists and turns and we, me and guid, had a feeling what was going on but were uncertain who it pertained too. it kept us guessing what the end would be and the last 5 minutes it comes out and oh my god. so great! i almost cried cause i felt so sad and was kinda hopeful in what happens with these characters. love anne hathaway and patrick wilson, nice buns! and love dianne wiest! everything was tied up in the end no loose strings and makes me want to watch it again to pick up on the little things that were going on. i heard it got bad reviews so i was a little iffy about the film. i can see maybe why cause they have been films like this in the past but i think it did a good job at keeping you guessing and i was entertained. that is what movies are, entertainment! 4 out of 5!
'Dawson's Creek' i never wanted to see this show ever in my life. i remembering seeing clips when i was growing up and i just didnt want to see it but everyone kept telling me to try it. i gave in and watched the pilot. oh my god! i want to watch more! i love it! favorite part is when joey asks dawson when he walks his dog and how often!! haha! hehe! and he replies every morning with katie couric! i about died with all the sexual tension! now i only have seen the pilot so i got 6 seasons to go so i hope i love it!
'Charmed' me and guid just finished the second season and it was no so good. no huge arc, finale not so grand. third season has had a better but what is with the whole opening sequence changing like all the time. i mean, pick your main characters and stick with them!
'Sliders' on the fourth season and have loved how old it is the first 3 seasons but right now its getting spacey in the way with creatures and fall unbelieveable things happening and the cast chenges and i know will change again next season so a little, no a lot, bummed out by the idea. hopefully will get better!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
TV series 1
i love television! i watch hours and hours and hours of television a day. I finished 'alias' a while back and wanted to talk about it for a bit. worst show in the world. it started out great and loved it and it changed slowly in the second which happens in a show but then it changed dramatically in the third and fourth and fifth. a lot was very predictable. i never saw an episode on air so maybe for that time it was groundbreaking but when i watched it, it was hardly a television show at all. numerous story lines ended suddenly and a brand new one would start and then quickly finish. horrible that it lasted for 5 seasons. two would have been good.
now i show very similar but should have been on a lot longer is 'dark angel'! amazing. it had twists and turns and even a complete story change for season two and loads of new cast members but it worked into the story and took the show into more than just genetic humans into a world of creatures and cults. ended with a cliffhanger and would love to know where the creator was thinking of going into the third but didnt get renewed. found out that FOX network decided to give its timeslot to 'firefly', which i love. but sadly 'dark angel' ended. i miss it.
'popular'! one of my favourite charaters is on that show. Mary Cherry, i even have my own blog about her! she made that show funny in ways no other show could. the show was about high school problems like most teenage shows are and dealt with normal things and had very typically show endings with a teenage acknowledging they were wrong and so on. but mary cherry was its heart to me. if she wasnt on it, it would not be the same. mary cherry was a sidekick to nicole juilan, bitch of the school. nicole was awesome, second favourite on the show but no one can compare to mary cherry! second season turned into too much dramatics and turned a little sour for me so i understood why for cancellation but if i had a genie right now i would wish for mary cherry to have here very own tv series that would last for at least 5 years! best damn thing ever!
now i show very similar but should have been on a lot longer is 'dark angel'! amazing. it had twists and turns and even a complete story change for season two and loads of new cast members but it worked into the story and took the show into more than just genetic humans into a world of creatures and cults. ended with a cliffhanger and would love to know where the creator was thinking of going into the third but didnt get renewed. found out that FOX network decided to give its timeslot to 'firefly', which i love. but sadly 'dark angel' ended. i miss it.
'popular'! one of my favourite charaters is on that show. Mary Cherry, i even have my own blog about her! she made that show funny in ways no other show could. the show was about high school problems like most teenage shows are and dealt with normal things and had very typically show endings with a teenage acknowledging they were wrong and so on. but mary cherry was its heart to me. if she wasnt on it, it would not be the same. mary cherry was a sidekick to nicole juilan, bitch of the school. nicole was awesome, second favourite on the show but no one can compare to mary cherry! second season turned into too much dramatics and turned a little sour for me so i understood why for cancellation but if i had a genie right now i would wish for mary cherry to have here very own tv series that would last for at least 5 years! best damn thing ever!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Hills! ahaha
so the show the hills is not just a little but hugely ridiculous. we, me and guid, are watching the episode 'its about trust' i think. anyway its the one where audrina hears that her boy, justinbobby, and lauren hooked up and its laughable but funny. in a way i could see it cause, lauren being a good girl got wild for once. does she hate bobby? yes but maybe thats why she went for him cause she hates him and why it was hot! and its not like audrina and justin have said no one else, they never do so he could technically do whatever. sad for audrina but then if lauren did something it wouldnt be wrong but sad of your friend to do something. so me and guid wanted to make our own story of what happened! its juicy! so lauren did hook up with justin cause why not! when he was leaving the house he ran into lo and did it too cause she loves everyones scrapes! on his way home casey, audrinas sister, calls and said sorry that things didnt work out but she is interested and he went to her house and hit it! when he left he decided to get one more in! brody! who in turn, turned him down cause he was doing someone else and didnt think of justin that way! (brody and paul were sacking it up for years) bobby needed a man to get him off so he went to brodys friend, frankie! audrina finds out and is like its okay i gave you herpes, were even! hahahaha! heidi and spencer on the hand were at home doing nothing cause when the cameras arent rolling they are so incredilbly boring! hehe! our version of this past episode!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
so i applied to be a chacha guide to kill time at my boyfriends place while he plays final fantasy. filled out paper work and read some stuff. they had me take a test of 20 questions in 10 minutes and it was tense for me but i answered every question, some were what i would say. i didnt get a job. sad, huh? wanted to just have fun with it and i got turned down. i feel so sad now. i wanted to know what i answered wrong so i knew why, but they dont give out that information. sad. i resent chacha now. plus a while ago i text chacha for who is travis levi murphy? and i got a response back saying travis levi murphy is 24 years old and lives in west jordan, ut. he is a james blunt fan. sentence one is correct but two isnt. i dont like james blunt nor have i ever talked about him on my sites. i have a myspace and facebook and now blogspot. i then asked where they got their information and it was my two sites were referred but why would they say i was a fan of james when i have never said that? so i kept texting them to try and figure out why they said that. no one could give me a straight answer. text me who is travis levi murphy? everytime i have done it i has the same answer: travis levi murphy is 24 years old and lives in west jordan, ut. he is a james blunt fan. ugh! i hate chacha right now.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wicked, Britney and what else is new!
so i went and saw wicked twice and it was freakin amazing! the second time all the power went out and glinda and elphaba were just about to begin their friendship song 'for good'. and they held each other and laughed and curtain was pulled and annoucer said a couple minutes and so we waited but it was cool how they both got back into the moment so well and what actually does happen when the power or something goes wrong and how no one on stage freaked!
britney was amazing! she went from song to song so quickly and danced and danced. i know she wasnt singing live but she is an awesome entertainer! and the tricks 0n stage and her costumes were amazing!
whats new is: i have loved tv for so long that i decided to make a blogspot for my favorite character ever! MARY CHERRY from popular! it only lasted two seasons but leslie grossman made that series so much better so i am decidicating a site for mary cherry fans! so find it!
britney was amazing! she went from song to song so quickly and danced and danced. i know she wasnt singing live but she is an awesome entertainer! and the tricks 0n stage and her costumes were amazing!
whats new is: i have loved tv for so long that i decided to make a blogspot for my favorite character ever! MARY CHERRY from popular! it only lasted two seasons but leslie grossman made that series so much better so i am decidicating a site for mary cherry fans! so find it!
Friday, April 3, 2009
is amazing in everyway. i am dumbfounded by her success and how much i think i know about her and her empire and yet she always suprises me. i knew she had like 5 perfumes, nope 7 and another one coming. she has 3 main perfumes- curious, fantasy and believe. curious has two special editions- in control and curious heart, fantasy also has 2 special editions- hidden fantasy and midnight fantasy. i love this girl and want all those to spray on me! i am excited cause on april 14th, 10 days me and guido and seeing her live in concert! yeah! woo-hoo! i wish i had more money to spend on her cause i love what she produces and her in general! love you britney! muah!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Let the right one in
we, me and guid, just watched the vampire movie "let the right one in"! so good! had a child romance and horror to it and so good. tons of innocents died but whatev! i am planning on our trip to disneyland, seaworld, universal, san diego zoo, portland, seattle! lots of places and so little time. just started to watch dark angel! only 4 episodes in and its very good! i love jessica alba's lines, she is such a smart ass and i love it! whats new with me? wicked the musical in two and three weeks! britneys concert in 2 weeks! got to figure out how to pay for stuff there and for my season tickets to capitol theatre next year with my mum! what else, i keep thinking about hair school and wanting to do that, just work wont allow it and i dont know if its worth staying there when i want to pursue others things. i need to figure out my life and decide what to do. hopefully soon! peace!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
slumdog millionaire
just saw the movie and yes it had a happy ending but it was still so depressing to think how many people have such sucky lives in india and the rest of the world.yes the movie might of extravagated but all those things still happen over there to people. i was talking to guido about what makes a country poverty? i released that most countries with people of darker skin are poverst. anyone light skinned is most of the time safe. even in asain the lighter skin the better your country is like chinese and japanese. most of europe is light skinned and pretty good. but the darker you get the more its a 3rd world country. this is just me shittin the fan but then you have russia light skin but in areas its a poverty stricken. spain and italy have darker skin but pretty nice places so then is it in areas but when you go to north america, right when you hit the border to mexico its completely different. technology? russia has some and yet still not to their best. so what makes a 3rd world country? answer me that!
Friday, March 20, 2009
battlestar and zune stuff
Me and Guido just watched the series finale of battlestar! it was good. wanted more people to die but it had a happy ending and went into the future which was cool! also i figured out how to put music videos on my zune and podcasts! i got madonna hung up and sorry. lady gaga poker face and britney's circus! nice! i found buffy between the lines podcast and all it was a people making episodes in between the actual real episodes. stupid. really stupid. but found this one called sex is fun podcast and is so funny! i downloaded like 10 the other day and already finished and now downloading 20 more! love them at sex is fun brought to us by greatsexgames.com ! check it out! guido has been helping me budget better! so i am debt free as on may 15 except schooling which i am still figuring out. i am excited but i still have bills anyway with my new car which is outrageous casue i dont have good credit but pretty much dont have debt but since i paid them off within a year my credit score cant just be normal it takes a while for it to do so. blah blah blah. so my cars interest is horrible. and i have my own car insurance and rent as always. school payments soon too then maybe a computer but first family vacation with the ampuero family! nice! peace!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Nickname(s) →BARBIE MAN
Zodiac sign → CANCER
Male or female → MALE
Elementary--> FARNSWORTH
Middle School → WEST LAKE
High School → GRANGER
Hair color → BROWN (for now)
Long or short? → IN THE MIDDLE
Loud or Quiet → LOUD
Sweats or Jeans → JEANS
Phone or Camera → PHONE
Health freak → NOPE
Do you have a crush on someone? → ZAC EFRON AND JOE JONAS
Eat or Drink → BOTH
Piercings → NOPE
Tattoos → NOPE
Water or Fire → WATER
Love of your life or 4 Billion Dollars → LOVE
First fear → SPIDERS
First best friend → THERESA
First award → ART
First crush → BRIAN DAHLE
First Pet → DUKE my cockapoo
First big vacation → DISNEYLAND
First big birthday → MY 22ND- 80'S PROM THEME
Favorite food → ITALIAN - LASAGNA
Favorite color → ANY BLUE
Favorite game → MONOPOLY
Favorite band → SPICE GIRLS
Favorite holiday → CHRISTMAS
Favorite subject → DANCE
Favorite movie → MOULIN ROUGE
Favorite football team → N/A
Favorite baseball team →N/A
Favorite TV show → BUFFY and ANGEL
Favorite fast food restaurant → WENDY'S
Least favorite food → BEETS
Least favorite color → NEON COLORS
Least favorite holiday → LABOR DAY! boring
Least favorite fast food restaurant → ANYTHING GREEK
Least favorite beverage → BEER AND WINE
Least favorite TV show → ALIAS! dumb
Least favorite subject → ENGLISH
Drinking → COKE
Thinking → I HAVE TO FART
I'm about to → FART
Listening to → THE COMPUTER HUM
Plans for today → GO TO BED
Waiting for→ BED TIME
New Year's Resolution? → WATCH MORE TV!
Want kids?→YES! 5
Want to get married? → YES
What careers do you have in mind? → ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY
Broken a bone? → BIG TOES ONLY
Lost glasses/contacts → YES
Ran away from home →NOPE
Held a gun/knife for self defense → NOPE
Gotten stitches? → YES
Been Heartbroken → ONLY WHEN MY TV DIDNT WORK!
Been arrested → NOPE
Been in an accident → MANY
Cried when someone died → EVEN ON TV!
Believe in Aliens → NOPE, other worlds, YES
Believe in Yourself → SOMETIMES
Believe in Miracles → TO A POINT
Believe in Love at first sight → LUST, YES
Believe in Heaven → I HOPE SO!
Believe in Santa Claus → FOR A BIT
Sex on the first date →NOPE.
Kiss on the first date → MAYBE
Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → YES
Do you believe in God → IN A WAY
Nickname(s) →BARBIE MAN
Zodiac sign → CANCER
Male or female → MALE
Elementary--> FARNSWORTH
Middle School → WEST LAKE
High School → GRANGER
Hair color → BROWN (for now)
Long or short? → IN THE MIDDLE
Loud or Quiet → LOUD
Sweats or Jeans → JEANS
Phone or Camera → PHONE
Health freak → NOPE
Do you have a crush on someone? → ZAC EFRON AND JOE JONAS
Eat or Drink → BOTH
Piercings → NOPE
Tattoos → NOPE
Water or Fire → WATER
Love of your life or 4 Billion Dollars → LOVE
First fear → SPIDERS
First best friend → THERESA
First award → ART
First crush → BRIAN DAHLE
First Pet → DUKE my cockapoo
First big vacation → DISNEYLAND
First big birthday → MY 22ND- 80'S PROM THEME
Favorite food → ITALIAN - LASAGNA
Favorite color → ANY BLUE
Favorite game → MONOPOLY
Favorite band → SPICE GIRLS
Favorite holiday → CHRISTMAS
Favorite subject → DANCE
Favorite movie → MOULIN ROUGE
Favorite football team → N/A
Favorite baseball team →N/A
Favorite TV show → BUFFY and ANGEL
Favorite fast food restaurant → WENDY'S
Least favorite food → BEETS
Least favorite color → NEON COLORS
Least favorite holiday → LABOR DAY! boring
Least favorite fast food restaurant → ANYTHING GREEK
Least favorite beverage → BEER AND WINE
Least favorite TV show → ALIAS! dumb
Least favorite subject → ENGLISH
Drinking → COKE
Thinking → I HAVE TO FART
I'm about to → FART
Listening to → THE COMPUTER HUM
Plans for today → GO TO BED
Waiting for→ BED TIME
New Year's Resolution? → WATCH MORE TV!
Want kids?→YES! 5
Want to get married? → YES
What careers do you have in mind? → ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY
Broken a bone? → BIG TOES ONLY
Lost glasses/contacts → YES
Ran away from home →NOPE
Held a gun/knife for self defense → NOPE
Gotten stitches? → YES
Been Heartbroken → ONLY WHEN MY TV DIDNT WORK!
Been arrested → NOPE
Been in an accident → MANY
Cried when someone died → EVEN ON TV!
Believe in Aliens → NOPE, other worlds, YES
Believe in Yourself → SOMETIMES
Believe in Miracles → TO A POINT
Believe in Love at first sight → LUST, YES
Believe in Heaven → I HOPE SO!
Believe in Santa Claus → FOR A BIT
Sex on the first date →NOPE.
Kiss on the first date → MAYBE
Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → YES
Do you believe in God → IN A WAY
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