Saturday, August 1, 2009

tv reviews

'sex and the city' on season 6 now and now have decided what my favorite scene from the show is! ta-dah: the episode in where carrie catches her neighbor across the way hittin it with a someone. she calls up the gals and they all come over to watch them in action while eating popcorn! love it!

'dollhouse' amazing! cant say more cause that is all it is! and genius! love you joss whedon!

'pushing daises' season two comes out with kristin singing in the hills and being a nun was so great i wanted to cry!

'charmed' in the fifth season and still its very boring and clique to me. though i cant not stop watching. i get how its a show that lesbians love but i dont get it. bad writing is problem one for me.

i am so excited for the new season of shows to watch. melrose place! beauitful life! 90210! wonderful!

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