Monday, May 11, 2009

Tv series 2 and movie reviews!

'Taken' loved it! action packed and was very stunned by how much violence was in the movie. nothing far fetched in terms of unbeliebabilty. acting was great! two problems: liam's monolgue telling the kidnappers blah blah blah i will find you and i will kill you. so over dramatic! and when liam comes over to his ex-wives place and tells her that their daughter has been kidnapped. knowing their relationship i took it very weird that she just believed him right away and went with it without questioning it. why do you ask would she not believe him? she doesnt want him around and he might try whatever it is to get her to let him be with the daughter. he's a little crazy at times. i loved it and give it 4.5 out of 5!

'The Passengers' so many twists and turns and we, me and guid, had a feeling what was going on but were uncertain who it pertained too. it kept us guessing what the end would be and the last 5 minutes it comes out and oh my god. so great! i almost cried cause i felt so sad and was kinda hopeful in what happens with these characters. love anne hathaway and patrick wilson, nice buns! and love dianne wiest! everything was tied up in the end no loose strings and makes me want to watch it again to pick up on the little things that were going on. i heard it got bad reviews so i was a little iffy about the film. i can see maybe why cause they have been films like this in the past but i think it did a good job at keeping you guessing and i was entertained. that is what movies are, entertainment! 4 out of 5!

'Dawson's Creek' i never wanted to see this show ever in my life. i remembering seeing clips when i was growing up and i just didnt want to see it but everyone kept telling me to try it. i gave in and watched the pilot. oh my god! i want to watch more! i love it! favorite part is when joey asks dawson when he walks his dog and how often!! haha! hehe! and he replies every morning with katie couric! i about died with all the sexual tension! now i only have seen the pilot so i got 6 seasons to go so i hope i love it!

'Charmed' me and guid just finished the second season and it was no so good. no huge arc, finale not so grand. third season has had a better but what is with the whole opening sequence changing like all the time. i mean, pick your main characters and stick with them!

'Sliders' on the fourth season and have loved how old it is the first 3 seasons but right now its getting spacey in the way with creatures and fall unbelieveable things happening and the cast chenges and i know will change again next season so a little, no a lot, bummed out by the idea. hopefully will get better!

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