Thursday, September 24, 2009

.. and i even forgot something!

'sex and the city: the movie' watched it again for the 2nd time! loved it! after watching the series and then the movie right away made me appreciate it more! when big leaves carrie at the altar and he tries to grab her from the limo and she starts hitting him with her bouqet. i cry and charlotte screams 'no' i break down. how someone so quiet and reserved steps up to the plate. it was an incredible moment. i like how much time goes by for her in order to forgive john. miranda and steve! he cheats she leaves him. i dont think it was all his fault. guido would say other wise. he knew something in the relationship wasnt right and he tried to talk to her about it anh she thought it was stupid. he blamed him. he didnt know what else to do and he slipped cause he wasnt getting what he needed in the relationship. stupid he was for it. but not all to blame. didnt really care for charlotte getting pregnant because i feel like she might love her new birth baby more than her adopted baby. people would say naw to that. but love of birth to an adopted is different. you couldn't so you got! for char she couldn't and got then she could. samantha breaking up with smith i loved. cause whe wasnt her self anymore. i believe her kind of character would be more happy in a open relationship! 4 out of 5 stars!

been so long.....

sorry its been so long. busy with work and TV! but lots to talk about! whats new with me first is not much. been hanging with friends that i havent seen in forever, whether its them stop calling me or vice versa but now they got in contact and yeah! so been fun catching up with chantelle bender, jessica horton and jessica love! othere things now!

'VH1 DIvas Live' paula abdul hosted. bad idea. she is so all over the place it wasnt funny at all until kathy griffin showed up and was amazing for those few moments then she left. the perfomances were great from adelle, kelly clarkson (whose song never again love! sad that is sounds like beyonce's halo, but still great!), jordin sparks, jennifer hudson, leona lewis, then why miley cyrus? yes she might have sold huge records and have clothing, perfume and school notebooks with her name on it. she is a diva, in a bad way. not in a VH1 diva way like the other girls. her live on the show was terrible. all the other girls i loved, not miley. i love miley in a different way, not a VH1 diva way. i thought it was funny that kelly performed with melissa ethridge, how very lesbian of her! haha! the girls main songs were great but duets were boring to me and i started to fast forward through paula abdul, who clearly didnt even sing live for it.

'emmy awards' love neil patrick harris and his hosting was, wait for it, legendary!! love kristin chenoweth winning for pushing daisies! she is one of my idols! mad men winning best drama! 30 rock best comedy! when they had the whole 'how i met your mother' cast presentate! and my top two moments: when Bill of 'true blood' and Angel of 'angel' presented together! made my heart fluter! top moments was haveing the 'dr. horrible' cast reunite with glimpse of what the movie was about!

'wolverine' was okay. the special effects were bad. hugh jackman somewhat naked was nice. girlfriend dying was, duh, obvious! the stort didnt make too much sense with the other x-men movies. i think they took what they had and played with it too much.patrick stewart at the end was hilarious to look at. all glossed over to make him look young! haha! action was good, othere mutants were great! 3.0 out of 5 stars

'observe and report' me and guido didnt like this movie. it was awful and stupid. the best parts were with anna faris in it! when she got drunk, so great! bad characters made me want to hurt them they were just dumb. dont see this movie. 1 out of 5 stars, the 1 is for anna!

'battle for terra' is a cg movie about a planet of aliens being taken over by humans. the humans will go at no cost to take the planet for there own. the aliens are quiet and non warriors. secrets come out, people over rule others and take over, so very typical stuff but still not bad for a children's movie! the cg is good! the world is made up and great to keep my attention! even the aliens are cute! 3 out of 5 stars

'more to love' basically think of it as the bachelor for fat people! haha! it was mostly good but all they talked about was being fat and how much it ruined their lives. oh my god! there is a million other things to talk about. movies, sports, theatre, politics and etc. but all we saw was 'i'm so fat' 'no one ever loved me cause i was overweight' 'i cant get a boyfriend cause my thighs rub together' 'i hide my fat roles with larger clothing' on and on and on and on it went. i wanted them to shut up. the final two girls were melissa and tali. melissa was not always a fatty, so to me it was like if she got skinny again, would she stay with him since he is the only fat guy she has dated. while tali, my girl, has always been 'big boned' and dates larger men so she wouldnt up and leave for that. plus her drama was about her families culture verses his. melissa drama was 'i am fat now and hate it' and her family was white trash! haha! in the end he picked tali! yeah! if they do another season i want to hear more than 'i'm fat cause growing up people were mean to me' guido thought the bachelor was good looking, me was eh eh!

'design star' was a rollercoaster season. loved the southern blonde hair girl! her rooms were great but i hated that she got voted off cause going over budget. sad. the final two were dan, the giggler, and antonio, the macho tattoo guy! i hearted dan, he was attractive and always smiling! great rooms that were soft and enjoyable. antonio had a evry different point of view. loud and ghetto at times. didnt always do what people wanted and thats why he won. i think alos he has a different point of view unlike most designers on hgtv, so i think that he could have a good career with being different. i liked dan more, he is my style!

'queer as folk' season one went by so fast. sex sex sex and gay stuff went on and i loved it! it kept me entertained. guido hates it cause he is more conservative than me. i like it mostly all out in the open! which is fine and thats why i love him! muah! but i like queer as folk. not one of my top whatever number shows. but still good! love emmett and michael! seen hal sparks at a comedy club in new york and so funny! loved him also on talk soup as well as aisha tyler! one bad thing about the show, it only showcases one sets of gays doing on set of things. i wish they could expand, like conservative gays. gays who dont club and do drugs. everyday gays. not gays having sex all the time! season one i give 3 out of 5 stars for keeping me entertained!

'dr. horrible's sing-a-long-blog' which i have seen and seen over and over again! own the music but wanted to talked about it! some people dont like it cause it was too short. whatever to me! was it good? yes! some say they couldnt believe the ending, but duh!? havent you seen joss whedons work before cause then it makes sense! i loved every moment of it! i think its great that he has his brothers working with him on this and 'dollhouse'! thought it is funny how much you can tell when joss didnt write some of the songs. his are always funny and great. his brothers werent as good to me. they mostly wrote the penny songs, to were a little boring. i love joss and dr. horrible! 4.75 out of 5 stars why not 5 cause i wish promotion and distrubution could be better! hear there is sequel in the works! lets hope!

'fame' the 2009 version. was good. not funny at all. had some very serious moments which i did love just to show how severe rejection is in the industry. most music was good. but some were kinda ghetto sounding to me. love the feel of the movie. felt like it went too fast. every 20 minutes a new year happened. i wish i was a tv show or one year of their lives. so then if it did good then a second movie for their sophmore year and so on. why did i not like it cause i felt like i have seen this kind of movie before. yes, it is based on a 1980's movie. so others things were created to look like the old one and so on until this one redone still wasnt amazing to me! i loved that they used actual talent in the movie! cause most movies they get famous people and film it like they do have talent of which they really dont. 3 out of 5 stars

'management' which is a movie i never heard of until i watched it! guido hated it, was boring to him and stupid. i loved it! both zach and jenn had weird characters to start and then they hook up and he travels to see her just because he likes her. out of blue stuff happens! love it! so weird it reminded me of 'garden state' and 'lars and the real girl'. love that is different and not conventional. i loved it and would watch it again and again! 4 out of 5 stars

Sunday, September 6, 2009

new with me and reviews!

me and guido are planning our next vacation to san francisco to see kylie minogue in concert! so excited! just got our hotel reservations! so now just to save money for gas, food and stuff to buy! so excited! we also have a goal to loose some weight. since we met we have gained too much weight, especially me! so we have our goals and when we meet them we buy ourselves stuff! mine is mostly new dvds! yeah! it feels like forever since i bought a new dvd, i want one! we have been eating healthier and now i just put up my weight bench1 i want guid to try a bench just the bar! lets hope he can!

'true blood' we finished the first season and guido loved it! so so much! me, i thought it was good. but sometimes i feel like i have seen this so its not too exciting. the boys in it our hot! though there is a lot of boobies in it, not hot. haha! it had its twists ans turns, i figured out the killer second to last episode right before it was reviled, so maybe they gave me clues but i got it before they said it! yes! all in all the show is great! guido reads the book and for the most part its going with it. only time will tell how the series does. guido gives it 4.5 out of 5 stars. i give it 4 out of 5 stars!

'sex and the city' finished the sereis but not the movie. remember i have seen this series before. so rewatching it made me love it more! the first time i saw it i hated the way carrie and big ended, everyone else ended great, i thought. this time, i loved carrie and bigs ending! i dont know what changed, but i loved it! so i am now way excited to see the movie again! this season 6 part 2 - 4.75 out of 5 stars! the whole series as a whole i would give it a 4 out of 5 stars! hello lover! my favorite parts were when charlotte's elizabeth had puppies! samantha getting cancer and her being happy for the best she could! miranda gets kissed on the head my magda! love it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

new things

'sunshine cleaning' was so very funny like 'little miss sunshine'. had its sad parts but funny in a weird way. sometimes during the movie it didnt look like amy adams but it was definately her cause in every movie i have seen her in its the same role. change it up. be a druggie hooker with a baby on the way, aka britney spears! haha! she always plays the quiet with bursts of angre, shy and boring but seems that everyone can relate to her, which i can but she needs to be out there and crazy. 3.75 out of 5 stars

'inglorius basterds' brad pitt was funny as everyone else was. i just didnt get the whole killing of inoccent people. like the bartender at the bar. she was just working and bam, she's dead. i dont get that. i do like the beginning when it shows the backstory of jew bear! so funny! it wasnt my kind of movie but i do see how people love quentin movies. he is so ugly. ugh. see this movie cause it is good, who knows if you will like it. guido loved it! one of his favorites! guido score 5 out of 5 stars. mine would be 4 out of 5 stars.

'adventureland' was funny and reminded me a lot of 'fraks and geeks' the tv series. the film is set in the 80's at a theme park. there were funny parts but overall was okay. ryan reynolds is a huge star and was weird to see him in such a small role. the main guy seemed like the role intially went to michael cerra, cause the character resembled every charcter he has ever played but he was probably busy so they got some no name. guido felt that kristen stewart seemed like bella, from 'twilight', but with sex. 2.25 out of 5 stars.

'dollhouse' so i have been weird about those last two episodes so i was just trying to get back into, so when i did, i finished it so quick! amazing! the ending of the aired episodes was a little predictable but still had some twists. i miss november/millie! she was my favorite! on the dvd there was 13th episode filmed in case the series got cancelled so then they could air it. it was sad and depressing to see where these characters would go. it was good but very sad. joss has stated that he will continue what was written but to us we dont know if those memories were planted or real! so yeah! i knew from the beginning of the show that someone in the dollhouse who thought was real wasnt going to be! i loved it! 4.75 out of 5 stars.

'sex and the city' i am finally moving forward more on the show. like i have said i have seen this but still was taking me a bit to continue. season 6 part 2 seems rushed but for some reason its the only season that i love! i hate carrie's russian. but the dialogue has become so great. when samantha gets cancer, to charlotte getting elizabeth taylor! its so witty and fun! i love it and now i have a disc left and the movie! big still annoys me. season 6 part 1 3.75 out of 5 stars. season 6 part 2 so far 4.5 out of 5 stars.